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What Is Academic Coaching?


Academic Coaching is a customized academic guide to organizing, managing and capturing lessons. Children learning behaviors aren’t the same, therefore, we’ve designed a procedure for understanding scholastic material. After an assessment is completed to measure the student’s academic skills, a customized design is  presented to each learner. Our coaches will  create a custom-made  script for learning with the aim of promoting life-long learning skills. We are not “homework helpers”.



We are delighted to provide one-on-one academic coaching. We believe that a partner-ship with parents, teachers and school administrators is the best way for students to gain knowledge.


How long will my child need academic coaching?
The coach may determine when the goal is reached or when the client is able to recognize his or her learning method, take on the duty of self learning, and approach learning tasks with more self-awareness and confidence.
Does academic coaching benefit all students?
Yes, it is excellent for all students , students with learning disabilities or other learning challenges and students who would like to remain current.
How is progress measured?
An account stating the material covered is sent to the parents by email after each session. We encourage the parents to observe your student and ask questions. Such as, “have you noticed improvements in skills or strategies”? Time is set aside for parents to schedule a time to speak with the coach regarding their child’s progress or additional related issues.
How much does it cost?
Since, we create a customized academic script for each student that we coach setting a standard fee is not feasible. We hope that you will take a moment to call or email to reveal a tad bit about your child’s learning needs with us. The consultation is free.

Do I need a Liaison?

Parents will determine if a liaison is needed.

Our Liaison duties are as follows:
Serve as a link between teachers, parents, students, support staff and the community regarding educational programs, services and various student issues.
Work with parents and teachers to assist in resolving student issues and problems in areas such as attendance, academics, behavior and health.
Meet, confer with, and interview parents in the identification of family needs and issues; provide information and materials to parents to assist in the location and utilization of school and community services and resources; refer parents to school services or community resources as appropriate.
Encourage parent participation in various school and community programs and services.
Liaisons will not recommend solutions, take positions or sides, our primary focus is to encourage parents to become partners in learning and to amplify a substantial school partnership, support and open communication with all groups.

Academic Coaching Parent Package
Financial Aid
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